20 minutes penetration. Foreplay can last as long as necessary.
I take it that in your opinion 20 minutes is a good solid chunk of time then? 
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I definitely remember some of my best experiences having an epilogue of looking at the clock and asking each other where the fuck the day had gone.
not in one episode! Surely it was a marathon of several episodes?
No, just one "episode," (well, he'd have one episode; if we're talking about the last guy, I'd probably have a good deal more), albeit typically altogether it'd be a marathon of different
things. Realistically it would probably be more like several hours of
episode had elapsed, but accounting for sleeping in beforehand and being a little spaced-out for awhile after, I definitely remember struggling to be on time for anything that was suppose to happen later that day. Still pretty sure that particular component of those episodes did tend to last over 20 minutes, though.