Actually Rage is right.
Redefine if the suspect is REALLY a citizen.
See if the laws and various amendments can be used to justify a suppression of rights.
Redefine every aspect of crime to infer a the ability to cast him as a non-citizen or the crime as a terrorist act
Challenge any attempt to challenge
Turn the media against him to put pressure on anyone seeking to make a ruling against him in the court.
Treat him ALWAYS as guilty before innocent.
Once you have this in place, things become a slippery slope and freedom can slide. especially if after every "terrorist act" you amp up the fear mongering and use the impetus to slide through dodgy bills and suppress rights.
In my lifetime there will be a civil war in America

(the upping the ante ratchetting of rights can only go so far before a monumental push back against the established bourgeois)