He has your eyes...I think. Would you agree?
Nah he has his own... 
Seriously my eyes are very boring grey. His dad has very blue eyes. Urchin has almost navy blue eyes now.
Thought your eyes looked very cool. I like grey eyes....I have only seen them on one other person- The lady who plays Temperance in Bones.
Who do you think you resemble most among your family?
All my family don bright blue eyes... except me! One day, i was about seven and i was asking my mom how come my eyes are grey and boring? She told me they were a very rare and special grey, and then she made up a name for the colour so i felt better about the situation, she said my eyes were "dandy-grey-russett" and i was the only kid in the world with them.
I remember running out of patience with my teacher at school when she repeatedly enquired why i had put "dandygreyrussett" as my eye colour.

I got into trouble for that and i remember her laughing when she had pulled my mother at the school gates and she explained.

Some people have said i look a bit like my brother, but he has a beard so i fucking hope not.