"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." - Karl Marx (German Philosopher/Father of Communism) 1818-1883
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^^this is how you post whore.
Do you cook?
If so, what would you cook and insider a healthy meal?
Quote from: sg1008 on December 08, 2014, 12:31:27 AMCan't you guys even just imagine it?Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?It's there. It always was.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?
@ AlBeen to a few of the Greek Islands. My favourite is Rhodes. It is flooded in history as it has been populated since the stone age. The old city of rhodes is amazing. Byzantine and Gothic buildings, mosques, temples, ornate fountains. There are about 250 tiny little medieval roads, streets and alleyways THAT HAVE NO NAME! They are occupied with little coffee shops and the most amazing selection of 'old curiosity shoppes' and hand made furniture, jewellery and art studio's. If you ever find yourself on a yacht in the Dodecanese then demand a visit to the port, which is part of the old city of Rhodes The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of Helios and his feet straddled the entrance to the port and the ships travelled beneath him. He is long gone, but was considered one of the Seven Wonders of The Ancient World.The little shops oooze with culture. I remember *eyes* everywhere, wood, metal, pottery crafted eyes everywhere! bizarre!Little leathery men sit on three legged stools on the pavements doing various crafts, stitching leather, carving wood, pottery wheel etc. They sit and smile toothless grins, and they look wise. Must be in their hundreds. Master craftsmen. Whatever you say to them they don't answer. Just smile. Their faces are browned from the Mediterranean sun and they look like saddlebags with eyes.The old city of Rhodes is unique. The rest of Greece is very typical as in long sandy beaches, turquoise sea, hotels but i would rather get lost in the old city. those damn eyes
Quote from: McJagger on April 25, 2013, 02:33:58 PMIf so, what would you cook and insider a healthy meal?Oh no, is the chip shop closed? yeah sure i can russel you something up! What flavour pot noodle would you like?