Also, what colour is the yabbit? Can you share a pick? WHat does it eat?
We have wild rabbits in our backyard regularly...they enjoy our garden. Today I watched one eating some leaves...We also have frogs.
Our yabbit is called "Lola" and she is a biscuit colour with a white mane and she has a funny white skirt kind of thing going on. I say 'mane' as she is a 'lionhead yabbit' It was the urchin's choice. If i were to chose i would pick on of those giant breeds. I recall a pet shop i visited when i was a kid. It had a massive yabbit, not for sale, it was the shopkeepers pet. I remember it had feet that were bigger than mine!
My mum was very house proud and pets were limited to the less messy and the less furry (goldfish) and as soon as i left home the first thing i did was amass a few pets. So, the urchin had been nagging me for a yabbit since his last birthday and i thought ok, something else i will be looking after and cleaning up after! (part of me was also thinking yippee lovely fluffy bunnies

The RSPCA have been running a campaign to educate yabbit owners. The message being not to have one if you were just going to leave it outside in a tiny hutch. So Lola has an outdoor home and an outdoor run and she also has a two storey, very large indoor cage. She also spends many hours 'free range' downstairs. I know yabbits are the ultimate poop machines so to combat this I have trained Lola to poop in a litter tray.
She eats hay and dried food and i give her carrots and other fresh stuff - she loves raspberries! She is very pretty and i have grown very fond of her