Author Topic: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa  (Read 7866 times)

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2006, 10:59:21 AM »
Oh look, another thread to bash Alex?

Funny I was led to believe all that propaganda that Alex is an evil autocrat intent on taking over the aspie world and make a huge profit doing so. Now I just see him as another victim of your spite. You're just jealous because you can't create a site half as good as his. At least WP is actually helping people. NTensity is just out to destroy.

So if I criticise a movie for being shitty -- in the same way as I call Alex's website shitty -- I'm being cynical out of pure jealousy, is that right?

Might explain why you can't stick your arse out of Dunc's nutsack just yet.

Ozymandias, you know that Ranazu and Krazy can dish it out, but they can't take it.

And we already have one of those around here *cough*

Listen here, matey, if you had been attacked by virtually every member on Intensity with just half the amount of firepower I have been subjected to, you would no doubt be in a mental clinic with a nervous breakdown by now. I think I have shown remarkable resilience in repelling your attacks (most of which I was not prepared for). Its very easy for you to sit there in your comfy position as admin of Intensity judging people "who can't take it" when you have got all your minions to do your dirty work for you. You may hate the priviledged classes, Dunc, but you sure do aspire to be part of them with that dictatorial and judgemental attitude of yours.

I've been attacked in real-life and on the internet all the fucking time, but I have to get on with my live rather than worry about people who don't care about you -- like you are doing.

Don't socialise then if you can't take the heat in the kitchen. More balls, less of the vagina talk, please.



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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2006, 11:11:54 AM »
I think your psych teacher is exaggerating or simplifying it.

or wikipedia could be wrong ;)


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #77 on: November 27, 2006, 12:44:20 PM »
I hate you,
you hate me,
we're a dysfunctional
with a knick-knack
take turns
kicking ass!
This old song keeps rolling onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! ::)

Second verse same as the first!   All together now!

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #78 on: November 27, 2006, 12:53:49 PM »
Bottom line:
some people are too lost in their own perception of reality and cannot handle this site.

to be known:

the current administration team is very concerned about recruiting vulnerable people here.  and havewritten a form welcome that goes out to each new member (for the last month or so).
it reads:
Welcome to Intensity². This place is unlike the other forums for people with AS you might have seen – its closest to a pub in nature. For starters, you need to be 18 to come in. So if you're underage, you need to come back later. You'll notice a lot of smut, and some off-colour jokes, adult content, a fair bit of pointless flaming, and liberal use of all the words they don't say on telly.

We don't have moderators at Intensity²; we don't lock threads, and we don't send warnings. This is a self-moderating community, and the admin team is elected by the members. So, if you want to make a tit of yourself trolling, or flaming loads of people? Fine. However, beware: you WILL be called on it. Our one major rule here is, free speech is king, but be prepared to back up your words!

This is the important bit – Intensity² is not suitable for everyone. If you are sensitive, have issues with personal criticism, can't take back what you give out, or cringe at conflict, you're very unlikely to enjoy it here, and may regret joining. So don't whine later if someone hurts your feelings okay? We've warned you, and won't be held legally responsible if you do get your fingers burned.

That said, get stuck in, and have fun. See you in drunken chat...

The Intensity² team

nobody is to blame for the robertN situation, and this is not an admission of guilt.  rather, it is a sign that intensity is willing to addapt with each new struggle we face.  we are always willing to move forward.  we do care about the well-being of the vulnerable future members.  and this serves as an outright warning.  hopefully, free thinking adults will be able to make up their own minds whether or not they fit the intensity way.


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #79 on: November 27, 2006, 01:09:20 PM »
Well said!  +karma

Offline RobertN

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2006, 08:46:01 PM »
If you think you were attacked with any degree of firepower, a) I'd hate to see your reaction if you really were being attacked with any real vehemence, and b) people you'll never meet, who don't give a fuck about you, said they think you're acting like a tithead. why are you so determined to prove them right? btw, this class bollocks is becoming very tedious. you remain entertaining however. If making me fall about laughin is what you are aiming for, keep up with the lame attacks, you aren't going to hurt my feelings any.  :bssign:

I would just love to see what you would have done in my situation, Duncvis.

Lets just imagine a situation very different from the one at present.

Firstly, lets assume that I am the owner of Intensity and also moderator on a couple of other boards. You meanwhile are just a normal aspie posting on various boards. Then you have a disagreement on here with omega about something, and we use our influence to turn public opinion on the board against you.

OK, now you are in a position where the whole board has been fed propaganda about you and PI. Everyone hates you apart from PI. Then rumours start going around that PI is having an affair and is using you.

So, you are now in a situation where the whole board hates and mocks you, and you also have reason to distrust PI (your only friend at this point). You are now very short of friends, all because someone in an influencial position in the aspie community took a disliking to you.

How would you feel if that situation was real, Duncvis?

What would you do to get out of that situation?

Also consider that you would have a job or other activity during the day most days (like myself) which could add to the stress and means that you would only have a few hours in the evening to think through tactics, instead of all day which you currently have. Suddenly not looking so rosy, is it Dunc?

Just think about my situation (and indeed other peoples') before you complacently pass judgement as you do.

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #81 on: November 27, 2006, 09:00:06 PM »
How about we try and get the big picture.  Your neglecting that and thus acting aspie.  I hope that statement makes you stop. 

Robert, I would not waste my energy fighting, let dunc stew in his own juices.  Let his own problems hurt him for you.  Why don't you think that he is not worth your time.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #82 on: November 27, 2006, 09:38:58 PM »
You hate Dunc,
Dunc hates you,
Stop your crying,
boo hoo hoo,
I f you don't like what people say,
then leave and don't come back,
This old song keeps rolling ooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!   and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.......

second verse, absurd as the first!   Everybody sing! :green:

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #83 on: November 28, 2006, 02:02:46 AM »
Robert, you need to get another obsession. ::)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #84 on: November 28, 2006, 04:12:40 AM »
If you think you were attacked with any degree of firepower, a) I'd hate to see your reaction if you really were being attacked with any real vehemence, and b) people you'll never meet, who don't give a fuck about you, said they think you're acting like a tithead. why are you so determined to prove them right? btw, this class bollocks is becoming very tedious. you remain entertaining however. If making me fall about laughin is what you are aiming for, keep up with the lame attacks, you aren't going to hurt my feelings any.  :bssign:

I would just love to see what you would have done in my situation, Duncvis.

Lets just imagine a situation very different from the one at present.

Firstly, lets assume that I am the owner of Intensity and also moderator on a couple of other boards. You meanwhile are just a normal aspie posting on various boards. Then you have a disagreement on here with omega about something, and we use our influence to turn public opinion on the board against you.

OK, now you are in a position where the whole board has been fed propaganda about you and PI. Everyone hates you apart from PI. Then rumours start going around that PI is having an affair and is using you.

So, you are now in a situation where the whole board hates and mocks you, and you also have reason to distrust PI (your only friend at this point). You are now very short of friends, all because someone in an influencial position in the aspie community took a disliking to you.

How would you feel if that situation was real, Duncvis?

What would you do to get out of that situation?

Also consider that you would have a job or other activity during the day most days (like myself) which could add to the stress and means that you would only have a few hours in the evening to think through tactics, instead of all day which you currently have. Suddenly not looking so rosy, is it Dunc?

Just think about my situation (and indeed other peoples') before you complacently pass judgement as you do.

Jesus wept. Fucking emo. ITS THE INTERNET!!!!! And the situation in which you found yourself regarding intensity was of your own making, not mine. If you're incapable of growing a thicker skin, or even acting like anything resembling an adult, you should just fucking leave. Nobody is forcing you to hang around here making yourself a target for people's pity and contempt by acting like a whining toddler.

Btw, in the hypothetical situation you describe, my handle on reality is a little firmer than yours. I can't say being slagged off by people on the internet causes me more than annoyance - if I was sufficiently pissed off with it I'd just go post somewhere else - which is what you should have done instead of climbing on your soap box to give us all a good talking to. FYI your buddy Emoga did make us out to be evil incarnate after the 'coup' and its aftermath, but her bullshit was sufficiently transparent for her ploy to fail miserably, since people who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones. Now please, please, realise how pathetic you're being. Stick an Elastoplast on it and get back on your trike. Off you pop!  :finger:


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #85 on: November 28, 2006, 09:27:44 AM »
Enough of the fucking rhetoric, Robert, and get over it. Intensity is not going to change either way.

And stop acting as though as if you've been "betrayed" by autistics here when we don't owe fuck-all to you or Omega to begin with.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 09:34:19 AM by NT Autistic »

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #86 on: November 28, 2006, 05:04:57 PM »
I like the sound of it, though: Autistic Betrayal - soon in a theatre near you.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #87 on: November 28, 2006, 05:45:14 PM »
I like the sound of it, though: Autistic Betrayal - soon in a theatre near you.

hhhhmmmm,  NT Autistic played by Robert Deniro, RobertN played by Al Pacino, Hypnotica Gaze played by Julia Roberts, Omega played by Sharon Stone, Ascan played by Christopher Walken, Duncvis played by Tom Cruise, Callaway played by Susan Sarandon, McJagger played by Mick Jagger!

Rated "R" for gratuitous sex, violence and profanity!  Oh, and rampant nudity for McJagger's sake! :-*

Offline QuirkyCarla

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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #88 on: November 28, 2006, 05:46:12 PM »
I like the sound of it, though: Autistic Betrayal - soon in a theatre near you.

hhhhmmmm,  NT Autistic played by Robert Deniro, RobertN played by Al Pacino, Hypnotica Gaze played by Julia Roberts, Omega played by Sharon Stone, Ascan played by Christopher Walken, Duncvis played by Tom Cruise, Callaway played by Susan Sarandon, McJagger played by Mick Jagger!

Rated "R" for gratuitous sex, violence and profanity!  Oh, and rampant nudity for McJagger's sake! :-*

:LMAO: +


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Re: Alex Plank and new girlfriend Marrisa
« Reply #89 on: November 28, 2006, 05:47:19 PM »
I demand a re-cast! Tom Cruise is a fucking midget.  :green: