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Slow intensity or fast paced?

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Which kind of a forum would you prefer intensity to be?

One where you can show up, maybe once or twice per day and spend about five minutes each time reading all the posts and replying to some.  One where you are able to establish more intimate relationships with the regular members because so few post on a day to day basis.


One where there is lots of action.  You can stop by several times a day and find new posts to read.  One where it would be difficult to follow all the posts so you learn to follow only certain members or certain posts.  One where there is a more eclectic membership who posts on a variety of topics.  With increased membership and post count you can be assured that there will be more drama.  Does drama entertain you.

What say ye?

I prefer a board that you aren't trying to control

You and scrap, got a little conspiracy goin'?

I like it either way. I do have a taste for drama. But it's hard to imagine it so busy I couldn't keep up with everything I wanted to read.


Whatever your talking!

I was wondering if the current membership liked it as it is or would like more it says.
If they want more action then I was going to open a discussion about how to recruit new members.
I forgive you.


--- Quote from: Pyraxis on April 11, 2013, 07:06:05 PM ---I like it either way. I do have a taste for drama. But it's hard to imagine it so busy I couldn't keep up with everything I wanted to read.

--- End quote ---
last post was in response to sky blue.

Pyraxis, how fast can you read?


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