"ding dong the witch is dead" sing many ex mining families up and down the country!
I HATED the bitch with a passion. She HAD a rare opportunity. She COULD have made much progress in pushing women forward in politics. How many women were in her cabinet? How many did she promote? FUCK ALL
Let's look at what she did, or didn't do -
* One word "MINERS" She fucked them over good and proper.
escalated the troubles in Northern Ireland. She could have prevented so many deaths (Bobby Sands comes to mind) She was an ignorant self righteous bitch who didn't want to bother. Peace was achievable. As proved by Tony Blair and i have to include John Major too.
*She did fuck all for women. She did fuck all for human rights. She was a MONSTER not a mother.
* Infamous "Poll Tax" - not one of her better policies!
*She tried to break the link of dirty hands! Trampled over the trade unions. Increased the rich/poor divide.
God this monster even took away the free little bottle of milk every child at school had daily. I recall the comments now "Thatcher, the milk snatcher"

I think the world stage remembers the Falklands conflict, and that must be where the 'iron' and the 'respect' for her comes from. She acted as any PM would. In other words 'she did her job'. Big deal.
Anyway, i don't care if i speak ill of the dead. I am glad she no longer walks this earth. I am glad she was 'troubled' in her final years. She deserves to be. Surprised if she found any peace at all after what she has done.
Some folks do not deserve to RIP