It would seem that you are right and didn't create the account yourself, then. Not a conscious lie from me, though, but a mistake. I can see why you'd rather call it a lie but that alone does not make it one.
BTW, did Callaway approve the account, and if so, did she know it was a sockpuppet? Why would there be a confirmation from her rather than the standard reply from the site? Post the PM.
And tell me what it changes. Show me the rule I changed, Scrap. We have not approved sockpuppets in a long time and apart from you none in the sockpuppet group has posted since March 2008.
EDIT: I was wrong. None other than you has posted since December 2007.
OTOH, if you plan on taking another three days to reply, don't bother. I'd rather watch paint dry than wait for another post followed by yet another quick exit. Coward.

So this isn't over?
It's over now.
I've disproven everything odeon has said.
He's the one who can't back his words up, which is why he demands that everyone backs their words up, it's a distraction tactic.
He gaslights people into thinking he's backed up his arguments by shifting the burden of proof as far from himself as he can get.
You have yet to answer the original callout. What rule did I change? That's what I asked you to back up. Let's have a look at what you actually said in response:
I take that as a no. So since you've made it clear that you don't feel obligated to debate in good faith, you can go fuck yourself. I'm done interacting with you, period.
Yet here you are.

For the rest of you, to set the record straight, my sock was one of 12 that were part of the same usergroup. 6 other of these socks had multiple posts with the user being active several months after the fact, so it is clear that these were approved sock accounts.
They were approved by someone, just as every other account here, sock or not. None of them posted a lot, most not at all, and none but you after December 2007. That last one was not a sock, though, but shared his IP with another member. /shrugs
Not exactly a huge body of evidence here. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove.
Go look them up in the Members lists, they're there.
I did, which is why I noted that several were created by admins. And also how I got the registration of your sockpuppet wrong.
Now at some point or another some kind of prohibition on socks was passed, I wasn't privy to when this happened or how. However, after it was decided by whomever that there were to be no new socks, they did not delete the Sockpuppet Alert! usergroup, nor did they ban the accounts.
Simply because none of them was posting, none was even noticed. The member group had a purpose, which was exactly what the name says. We still have a karma-free group, and there's a World Council group. We haven't deleted those either.
Proof of this is that i was still able to post with my account, and when I did, over the course of several years, site management laughed along with my antics, cheered me on and plussed my karma. There was no if, ands or butts about the fact that site management gave full approval to these authorized socks. They were obviously covered by some kind of grandfather clause.
Fast forward to a couple days ago. Odeon, seeing that I used my sock, decided to take cheap revenge over butthurt from some other thread.
Here's where I'd like to urge you to produce some kind of proof, considering that I have clearly and repeatedly stated why your sock was finally banned.
So being the playground bully type that he is, he took my toy, shoved me to the ground and kicked sand in my face becuase he's just that kind of insecure control freak. What a loser. 
So there you have it people, mine was far from being the only sock account floating around and as far as I'm concerned, anyone else here who wants a sock for comedy purposes, should be allowed to do so. 
No. If you want to troll, do it with your own account. Show some backbone, for once in your life.