A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough."
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The Patriot laws and associated mindset around this - less citizen rights more government control - is the biggest problem in America at the moment. The powers that be really ought to pull their heads in.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.
Quote from: Al Swearengen on April 06, 2013, 12:22:10 PMThe Patriot laws and associated mindset around this - less citizen rights more government control - is the biggest problem in America at the moment. The powers that be really ought to pull their heads in.Yeah, they're freakin' scary.Why the fuck can't there be a political party that cares about responsibly trying to help people who need help, but doesn't feel the need to strip our rights and morally babysit us? I mean, I understand there's going to be a *little* overlap between any type of, for example, aide to the poor and increased government control over the people, because government intervention means the government is getting involved and therefore exerting power, but for fuck's sake, you'd think somewhere in the damn country we'd be able to find a person or two who was smart enough to think of some workable solutions to social problems that didn't also nanny us or Big Brother us.Oh wait, because that wouldn't keep the status quo as effectively as running the country badly does.
That's swift, Rage. Please, post that in every thread you have time to post it in until the forum goes under government surveillance.
QuoteThat's swift, Rage. Please, post that in every thread you have time to post it in until the forum goes under government surveillance.I dare them to start doing shit like that more. Seriously. I think its about time for a clash, anyway. We the fucking people are the ones who get to decide how this country is run, not the elites.
Quote from: RageBeoulve on April 06, 2013, 08:38:24 PMQuoteThat's swift, Rage. Please, post that in every thread you have time to post it in until the forum goes under government surveillance.I dare them to start doing shit like that more. Seriously. I think its about time for a clash, anyway. We the fucking people are the ones who get to decide how this country is run, not the elites.Sorry to disappoint you. The fucking people have never run any country for any appreciable length of time in the history of mankind. Power, money and sex rules. Besides, "the people" have countless varying opinions and feelings. Not every opinion or feeling can run a country, hence the constant exchange of polite discussion, gun play and bombing.
Quote from: RageBeoulve on April 06, 2013, 08:38:24 PMQuoteThat's swift, Rage. Please, post that in every thread you have time to post it in until the forum goes under government surveillance.I dare them to start doing shit like that more. Seriously. I think its about time for a clash, anyway. We the fucking people are the ones who get to decide how this country is run, not the elites. ideally. Although, the elite has always run this country. It is up to we the people to decide (collectively) whether or not they are being responsible. If not, then revolution should happen. And there are many ways to meet the desired end? Murder should be the last option.
ideally. Although, the elite has always run this country.
Its fucking insane, and I am certain everyone capable of rational human thought knows it.
Quote from: RageBeoulve on April 09, 2013, 12:39:14 PMIts fucking insane, and I am certain everyone capable of rational human thought knows it.Indeed it is insane and I agree with this post and much of your previous post. The problem is though that the majority of human beings are no different to beasts of the field who simply act on the impulse to satisfy their own base desires at the expense of all others. In some human beasts this translates to wiping your arse with silk while children starve, as you put it. Most people have limited awareness outside their own restricted circle of consciousness and this accounts also for the apathy of the masses, their minds dulled by the opiates of the day, be it the religion cited by Marx or the modern religions of fast food, celebrity culture and bad television. Most are also driven by the desire to conform and will not stick their heads above the parapet to protest the status quo for fear of being targeted as different. These same dullards will also follow rules and laws merely because they are posited by figures of authority, these are the same enablers who allowed the Holocaust to occur through their inaction and blind obedience. The rich are predators who devour and destroy those below them, they fill their bellies with no thought for their prey. The masses are barely sentient sheep lacking the intellectual capacity and will to drive change.Call me cynical!
They aren't allowed. We condone it by our apathy, division, ignorance: we are motivated by fear that it could be worse. The elite class is held to account by the masses when the elite ceases being responsible. I agree with you, rage, that they have been unchecked for far too long.Without resorting to murder, how do we proceed?
The problem is though that the majority of human beings are no different to babymen who simply act on the impulse to satisfy their own babyman desires at the expense of all others. In some babymen this translates to wiping your arse with silk while children starve, as you put it. Most babymen have limited awareness outside their own restricted circle of consciousness and this accounts also for the apathy of the babymen, their minds dulled by the paccie of the day, be it the religion cited by Marx or the modern religions of da burger, honey booboo sketti and typical television. Most are also driven by the desire to shit and piss themselves and will not stick their heads above the crib bars to protest the status quo for fear of being targeted as different. These same babymen will also follow rules and laws merely because they are posited by figures of authority, these are the same babymen who allowed the Holocaust to occur through their inaction and blind drooling googoogaga. The rich are smart babymen who devour and destroy those below them, they fill their bellies with gold dust laced milk in a gold baba with no thought for weaker babymen. The masses are barely sentient babymen lacking the intellectual capacity and will to drive change.
Quote from: El-Presidente on April 09, 2013, 01:35:32 PMQuote from: RageBeoulve on April 09, 2013, 12:39:14 PMIts fucking insane, and I am certain everyone capable of rational human thought knows it.Indeed it is insane and I agree with this post and much of your previous post. The problem is though that the majority of human beings are no different to beasts of the field who simply act on the impulse to satisfy their own base desires at the expense of all others. In some human beasts this translates to wiping your arse with silk while children starve, as you put it. Most people have limited awareness outside their own restricted circle of consciousness and this accounts also for the apathy of the masses, their minds dulled by the opiates of the day, be it the religion cited by Marx or the modern religions of fast food, celebrity culture and bad television. Most are also driven by the desire to conform and will not stick their heads above the parapet to protest the status quo for fear of being targeted as different. These same dullards will also follow rules and laws merely because they are posited by figures of authority, these are the same enablers who allowed the Holocaust to occur through their inaction and blind obedience. The rich are predators who devour and destroy those below them, they fill their bellies with no thought for their prey. The masses are barely sentient sheep lacking the intellectual capacity and will to drive change.Call me cynical! hadron?