Its fucking insane, and I am certain everyone capable of rational human thought knows it.
Indeed it is insane and I agree with this post and much of your previous post. The problem is though that the majority of human beings are no different to beasts of the field who simply act on the impulse to satisfy their own base desires at the expense of all others. In some human beasts this translates to wiping your arse with silk while children starve, as you put it. Most people have limited awareness outside their own restricted circle of consciousness and this accounts also for the apathy of the masses, their minds dulled by the opiates of the day, be it the religion cited by Marx or the modern religions of fast food, celebrity culture and bad television. Most are also driven by the desire to conform and will not stick their heads above the parapet to protest the status quo for fear of being targeted as different. These same dullards will also follow rules and laws merely because they are posited by figures of authority, these are the same enablers who allowed the Holocaust to occur through their inaction and blind obedience. The rich are predators who devour and destroy those below them, they fill their bellies with no thought for their prey. The masses are barely sentient sheep lacking the intellectual capacity and will to drive change.
Call me cynical!
So, the masses should rule, but not the irrational or easily-influences masses. So, the masses should not rule. The intellectual elite should rule. And the definition of "intellectual elite" should be left up to people like Rage.
Yes, we're coming up with workable solutions, here. Hell, we're also coming up with rational, logical, internally-consistent theories upon which to base our solutions.
They aren't allowed. We condone it by our apathy, division, ignorance: we are motivated by fear that it could be worse.
The elite class is held to account by the masses when the elite ceases being responsible. I agree with you, rage, that they have been unchecked for far too long.
Without resorting to murder, how do we proceed?
Perhaps it's also relevant here to ask, how do we proceed without being incarcerated and/or murdered, ourselves? Or, even, how do we proceed without being murdered?
The fear that it could be worse is a deterrent, and it's not exactly unrealistic. We do jail people without trial (and we did long before that bill got passed a couple years ago). We do hold people criminally accountable for thought crimes. God only know what else is happening that we're unaware of because it gets censored or filtered out.
If things ever reach a tipping point where some kind of social uprising actually does occur on a broad scale, how much worse will the political climate be for them, at that time? Worse before it gets better, if that's how you assume it will go.