You are trying to spin my words to your advantage. Again, the other issues are not the issues at hand. Maybe you missed the part where I said that I consider the opinions of anti-gun Americans valid.
I did see that, but you also said this:
If you have never fired a gun, your opinion on them is invalid.
So does this mean that only those anti-gun Americans that have fired a gun can have valid opinions about them? Or is it that only Americans can have valid opinions about them?
Your views about whose opinions are valid depending on what we happen to be discussing should certainly be of interest here. You may not want to go there, considering that it's your credibility on the line here, but that's not really my problem, is it?
And now that I think of it, what powers do those who have fired a gun gain by pulling the trigger? What does it change?

I read back to the beginning of the thread, that was more of troll response to a troll.
Anywho, you live in a very anti-gun part of the World, therefore you are taught that guns are evil machines of death when in actuality, they are inanimate objects that happen to be the mechanism of a controlled explosion that releases a metallic projectile and nothing more. Those that have fired a weapon know that, and those that have not only know what they have been told.
Seriously? This is your argument?
Do you have anything whatsoever to back this up with other than your preconceived notions about what we must have been taught in this godforsaken part of the world?
Firing a gun didn't change a thing for me, you know, beyond a realisation that the kick was different from what I thought and that target shooting with a pistol is more fun I imagined it would be. See, believe it or not, us backwater folks are perfectly capable of understanding that guns are inanimate objects. We know that guns do not kill on their own, nor do they magically take over their owners and make them commit horrible deeds.
I also know that toys do not come to life when I sleep and that there are no monsters under the bed (not that I'd ever stick my head down there).
Now, let's get back to what one needs to have tried to be allowed an opinion, according to you.