I thought I was being clear. Hence the highlighting in bold red lettering. Hence the insult.
I'm going to try this one last time. I'll try to keep it simple.
Guns were created for a single purpose, which is killing people. The fact that they are now used for target practice, are collectibles, etc, does in no way invalidate that assertion. It's also beside the point because I am *not* offering an opinion on whether or not they should be banned.
You don't have to have fired a weapon to be able to formulate and hold a perfectly valid opinion regarding them. That opinion might be "everyone should be allowed to own one" or "for target shooting, they are fine" or "no, they should be kept beyond reach for people because of the school shootings".
Or something more nuanced or complex.
Do you think you should have conceived at least one baby to be allowed to have an opinion regarding the use of contraceptives? Do you think you need to have had sex to be allowed an opinion regarding sex outside marriage? Should you have smoked pot before being allowed an opinion regarding legalising it?
See how this works? The subject of guns is an easy one in that respect because the basic issue is not a complicated one. How easy should it be to get hold of a gun? The topic is controversial for Americans, though--you tend to get really defensive about them, throwing in concepts like personal freedoms, overthrowing corrupt governments, etc.
Let's finish this with a slightly more complex example:
Let's say a teen is killed at a school shooting. The offender is 18 but unlicensed so he bought the gun privately. The teen's mother is understandably upset and advocates stricter gun control, eliminating the loophole that allowed the 18-yo to buy the gun from a private individual.
Should the mother's opinion only count if she had fired a gun?
And again, I'm *not* offering an opinion on gun control here.
I can see the point you want to make O-man. Good on you for sticking to your guns(HUEHUEHUEHE) But, check this out.

Guns were created for a single purpose, which is killing people. The fact that they are now used for target practice, are collectibles, etc, does in no way invalidate that assertion.
I can't argue with that. Do you deny this though? So were bladed tools, pointy sticks, sharp rocks, big heavy rocks, big heavy sticks, knives, swords, cannons, atom splitting, etc.

I mean if you really think about it the majority of human invention was originally intended to be used to kill other humans.