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A thread that faggot marx can't lock

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--- Quote from: Jack on March 20, 2013, 02:52:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: ZEGH8578 on March 20, 2013, 12:01:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 19, 2013, 11:41:09 PM ---Patton was BC. BC did bad things and was banned.

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Why on earth didn't BC put some of that effort into BC?

That's like being a rambling moron all your life, then in a short moment of teatre, you actually show some intelligence, before going back to being a retard.

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He's actually alright and very intelligent.

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I have yet to see evidence of either.


--- Quote from: odeon on March 20, 2013, 03:20:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: marx on March 20, 2013, 02:20:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 19, 2013, 03:21:23 PM ---I keep telling you he is a troll.

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am i? i am a person who trolls, but i also make sincere, legit posts too. so what does that make me??

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A troll.

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that's debatable.

marx thinks this chick is fat.  :hahaha:


--- Quote from: marx on March 20, 2013, 02:20:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on March 20, 2013, 11:00:00 AM ---Indeed. I just see him as a spoiled brat who has never done an honest day's work because rich ass mommy and daddy take care of his needs. THIS irks me. I do not think people should have the right to be a slab of meat. If you want to live in a collective of people, you should contribute something to it. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be mildly useful. Just SOMETHING.

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rich parents?! are you fucking serious, bro?

both of my parents died when i was a teen. i grew up in poverty, and the 'parents' i had abused me. from 17 onwards, i made a living for myself without the assistance of anyone else. at one point, i lived in a BnB, juggling part-time jobs six days a week to allow me to go to college.

i was an accountant for six years, earning a reasonable wage, until i started exhibiting extreme sociopathic traits. after i endangered someone's life by posting their email, street address, phone number, and other personal details on a forum filled with trolls who hated her, i considered myself a danger to society, and removed myself. i now life in a small, crappy appartment very far out from the hustle and bustle of the city, have a part-time job in macdonalds, and have a girlfriend (or maybe sex toy would be more appropriate, considering the circumstances) who only stays with me because i lie to her about my life, and she is the first shag i've had in eight years! do you have any idea what that's like?? i expect not.

being alone and posting online for 4 days every week really started to bore me, which is when i got into drugs, and i do not regret it. not for a second.

i am older than you, RB, and i most certainly have not lived an easy life so far, so don't you dare insinute that i have.

and i'm ignoring your mesages, because i find them boring, and would be incapable of offering a meaningful response to such meaning-devoid messages.

--- Quote from: odeon on March 19, 2013, 03:21:23 PM ---I keep telling you he is a troll.

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am i? i am a person who trolls, but i also make sincere, legit posts too. so what does that make me??

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Since you skimmed posts i'll skim yours. A quick look tells me you ripped off a country music song. Shut the fuck up.

um, um, um, err, no. GTFO.


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