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A thread that faggot marx can't lock

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Marx, he wasn't talking about you.

Don't skim posts ::)


--- Quote from: ZEGH8578 on March 20, 2013, 02:23:57 PM ---Marx, he wasn't talking about you.

Don't skim posts ::)

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dang.... good 2 get it out properly tho. i too often get unfounded accusations.


--- Quote from: ZEGH8578 on March 20, 2013, 02:23:57 PM ---Marx, he wasn't talking about you.

Don't skim posts ::)

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True that my man. Shit isn't always about you. You're not as hated as you think you are.


--- Quote from: ZEGH8578 on March 20, 2013, 12:01:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 19, 2013, 11:41:09 PM ---Patton was BC. BC did bad things and was banned.

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Why on earth didn't BC put some of that effort into BC?

That's like being a rambling moron all your life, then in a short moment of teatre, you actually show some intelligence, before going back to being a retard.

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Patton was just as moronic, IMHO.


--- Quote from: marx on March 20, 2013, 02:20:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 19, 2013, 03:21:23 PM ---I keep telling you he is a troll.

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am i? i am a person who trolls, but i also make sincere, legit posts too. so what does that make me??

--- End quote ---

A troll.


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