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The Inner Sanctum.

(1/12) > >>

* marx

* El Presidante

* Al Swearengen

* Kapkao

* odeon

* Uppity Retard

* earthboundmisfit

beware of those not listed here

Al Swearegen:
Inner Sanctum? Of what? What does any of this actually mean?


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on March 17, 2013, 09:31:51 PM ---Inner Sanctum? Of what? What does any of this actually mean?

--- End quote ---

u know darn well what it means

Al Swearegen:
Nope no idea. I know you are making frequent references to overlords and have a think for Gareth or Alex. Possibly something to do with that, at a guess


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on March 17, 2013, 09:35:22 PM ---Nope no idea. I know you are making frequent references to overlords and have a think for Gareth or Alex. Possibly something to do with that, at a guess

--- End quote ---

we can't talk here. he might see and prepare a counter-strike.


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