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do you see no pattern or evidence to this?
--- Quote from: odeon on March 10, 2013, 01:26:51 PM ---There is no pattern. Never was. And yes, you've been trolling.
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the patterns are there, whether you'd care to admit this is irrelevant. gareth, amy, and alex disappear from their forums for long periods, too many controversies surrounding us.... they might not mean anything, but coupled with the drugs, everything did seem to connect. ;)
also, the ip address, and persistent gareth accusations were trolling, i needed to test somehow. other things were genuine.
Queen Victoria:
I like a nice tartan pattern.
--- Quote from: marx on March 10, 2013, 03:02:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 10, 2013, 01:26:51 PM ---There is no pattern. Never was. And yes, you've been trolling.
--- End quote ---
the patterns are there, whether you'd care to admit this is irrelevant. gareth, amy, and alex disappear from their forums for long periods, too many controversies surrounding us.... they might not mean anything, but coupled with the drugs, everything did seem to connect. ;)
also, the ip address, and persistent gareth accusations were trolling, i needed to test somehow. other things were genuine.
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Google the phrases "ideas of reference", and "magical thinking".
Al Swearegen:
Gareth and Amy set up AFF with an idea that it would be a great conduit for Aspie activism. Then they went and had kids and other projects to entertain themselves like Second Life and various attempts to make inroads in social cyber-platforms like Second Life. Amy rarely involved herself in AFF and when she did she normally pissed off people and came across as a clueless arrogant tyrant. Gareth has throughout the years been off and on.
Whilst she is a clueless, petty, arrogant, vindictive tyrant, he is a Nerd who found the forum evolve into something he possibly is not that interested in but ok having around.
Alex? Well Alex doesn't really care that much about autism. He cares a lot about Alex. He also like money and recognition a lot. If you think of Alex in these terms, you will get a good impression of what motivations around autism he may have.
--- Quote from: marx on March 10, 2013, 03:02:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on March 10, 2013, 01:26:51 PM ---There is no pattern. Never was. And yes, you've been trolling.
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the patterns are there, whether you'd care to admit this is irrelevant. gareth, amy, and alex disappear from their forums for long periods, too many controversies surrounding us.... they might not mean anything, but coupled with the drugs, everything did seem to connect. ;)
also, the ip address, and persistent gareth accusations were trolling, i needed to test somehow. other things were genuine.
--- End quote ---
You don't have his IP address, yes, we know. If you want to troll, try something less obvious.
Repeat after me: There are no patterns.
Pretty much every board owner and webmaster will "disappear" from time to time. It doesn't mean there is something sinister going on, it means that there is a real life out there beyond the pixels. I do it, Alex Plank does it, Gareth does it.
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