Your posting style is starting to look familiar.
Are you TCO??
I sure hope so.
We all know what's coming next. 
Yes absolutely Scrap and how astute. I am TCO. How could anyone but the mighty Scrapheap have managed to connect the dots so expertly. Your success at this kind of thing, affords you the fear and respect you crave. Admirers flock to you to pay homage at your internet mastery.....
You failed again. Your attempts at posting a broadside, over shot the mark again, and this looks like you are over-compensating. Made all the more transparent by you negging my karma, for the comment you try to infer as me as being emotionally invested in, to breaking point.
Don't worry Scrap. You do serve the board here. You post a lot of nice nudes and boob shots (almost as good as El Presidente's) and you serve as a great example of a failtard, to our noobs. They can keep you as a benchmark and never fail that badly or consistently. THAT what comes next??