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--- Quote from: SHUNNED on February 28, 2013, 07:05:52 PM ---"autistic culture"

is that grown in a petri dish?

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It's what happens when you try to herd a thousand cats and they all start yowling.

I'm waiting, fucktard.

Queen Victoria:

--- Quote from: One L on March 01, 2013, 10:37:37 AM ---
--- Quote from: AnonAspieAvenger on February 28, 2013, 06:51:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: SHUNNED on February 28, 2013, 06:47:27 PM ---I didn't have a problem with you
until i saw that you had gheyed The Princess Royal

she is nothing to do with gareth

that was a cuntish thing to do


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I am attempting to revive the Autistic Culture by destroying the oppressive forces which seek to destroy us. skyblue1 is OLG's tag here. I have been tracking his IP and remarkably, it is exactly the same as both the princess and her queen. I will avenge you all, even if sacrafices have to be made along the way.

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Do you even know what an IP is?  Hint: it isn't when you wet your pants.

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That reminds me of a joke my Mom told me in the 1950's. 

A man and a woman were on a date.  As he was walking her home (this was the 1950's remember?) she said she had go to the A&P (a Supermarket chain).  He waited outside for her.  They contined walking.  After a bit he said he had to go to the Y and shit, would she mind waiting?
BTW, your post was much funnier. (Well, for a child this was a racy joke for their mom to tell back then.)


--- Quote from: marx on February 28, 2013, 07:16:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: skyblue1 on February 28, 2013, 07:13:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: AnonAspieAvenger on February 28, 2013, 07:11:18 PM ---
--- Quote from: skyblue1 on February 28, 2013, 07:05:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: AnonAspieAvenger on February 28, 2013, 06:51:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: SHUNNED on February 28, 2013, 06:47:27 PM ---I didn't have a problem with you
until i saw that you had gheyed The Princess Royal

she is nothing to do with gareth

that was a cuntish thing to do


--- End quote ---

I am attempting to revive the Autistic Culture by destroying the oppressive forces which seek to destroy us. skyblue1 is OLG's tag here. I have been tracking his IP and remarkably, it is exactly the same as both the princess and her queen. I will avenge you all, even if sacrafices have to be made along the way.

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you are a liar.... you cant track IP's here, you arent on the staff

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Nice screensaver, by the way.

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I have 11 computers, which one do you like?

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Oh, you know, the wearable one! Here's the pic!

Now that I know what you look like, I'll have no bother taking you down.

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You ARE aware thats moot, right? :facepalm2:


--- Quote from: marx on February 28, 2013, 06:30:46 PM ---
--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on February 28, 2013, 10:55:20 AM ---
--- Quote from: marx on February 27, 2013, 10:15:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: Jack on February 27, 2013, 05:01:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: RageBeoulve on February 27, 2013, 10:49:21 AM ---Marx, how old are you? That might help me to understand this view you have,

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Thinking young.

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i'm 35, whether this constitutes being young is a matter of personal preference. :)
--- Quote from: ProfessorFarnsworth on February 27, 2013, 05:48:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: Calavera on February 27, 2013, 05:02:44 PM ---I'm wondering if marx and WhiteWidow (from WP) are the same.

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The grammar difference threw me off, but the stark similarities in ideology are uncanny.

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no, i am not this white window person. they appear to have gotten the jist of what is really going on, but aren't very sure of their own ideas, as I am...

And for your information, my dear children, I am perfectly capable to altering my grammar to fit any situation I happen to find my self involved in. i iz jst lkez this wayez!

no, really, i use this posting style to distinguish myself from potential impersonators.

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Okay so you didn't take a look like I suggested.

Dude, no. You are noticing patterns in regular nonsense. I could do the same thing to a bag of legos, do a few equations regarding the colors, sizes, shapes, number, and figure it out to be the sept 9 11, or the 2012 armageddon date, or make one up out of the solution I got with a little imagination and ideas of reference.

Get off the drugs. MmK?

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omfg, you really don't get it, do you? fool. autism is not a highly relevant issue in w society, so why would so many fucked up groups obsess over it? this shit is obviously all true, and unlike you, boy, i don't delude myself for the sake of feeling secure. you are in danger. part of becoming a man is learning to admit this and do something about it!

get off the drugz?! naaah...

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And I am in danger of nothing. True story. Come at me, bro. I AM GARETH. :green:


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