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--- Quote from: marx on February 26, 2013, 08:48:03 PM ---ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE!
alex plank, amy, and gareth disappear for long periods of time. plankie has been playing the 'i'm redesigning the site' card for years.
odeon is the only one who doesn't do this, so cannot be the overlord.
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How do you know that I simply don't let someone else post in my name?
Okay. I think this guy may actually be serious. Marx, how old are you? That might help me to understand this view you have,
Let me bring something to your attention here, bud.
--- Quote ---some of these viewpoints are the most fucking ridiculous, nonsencical pieces of shit i have ever come accross.
why the hell would anyone be batshit crazy enough to spread these, unless they wanted to fracture, to confuse, to divide our community?!
AND, why would SOOOOOOOOO many wholly seperate organizations have this same agenda? THEY WOULDN'T!!!!
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--- Quote ---some of these viewpoints are the most fucking ridiculous
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Okay. I hear you. Now I urge you to go and look at any other issue out there. Gun control. Obesity. Religious hate crimes is a big one. How about poverty? Take a look at some of these and tell me you don't see just as many or more outrageous views and proposals concerning these issues.
I challenge you to do this. Tell me what you think afterwards.
I wonder if Gestalt is also part of the evil overlord's plan. Where's Sophist when she needs to confirm that she is indeed Alex Plank?
I actually don't think he's a troll, o-man. I think he believes it. You know how some people see patterns in everything? I think thats whats going on here.
Maybe I shouldn't tell him my real name.
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