Engaging in bullshit semantics is proving both H_G and myself to be correct. 
Words have meanings. Your words have hoisted you on your own retard.
Yes, words have the meaning of the people who use them, not others who want to interpret those words for their own agenda.
Good point. For example if you not taken the old
Break out the crash helmets and send in the retards approach by making a callout at this site directed to someone not at this site over faulty information than you would not appear such a fool in this thread.
"Callout" in the sense I'm using it, means WTF?, not ZOMG INTENETS IS SERIOUS BIZNESS AND I'M BUTTHURT!!!, the way you want it to mean.
Not serious at all. That must be why you liken me to a witch hunter. Because calling poor widdle scrappy on posting something stupid is persecution on a par with killing people over witch craft allegations.
Don't you have an old lady to burn at the stake for witchcraft?? 
Interesting ad hom coming from Mr Tolerance himself. I recall you starting this thread http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20232.0.html with the express intent of taking a group of atheists to task for not following your approved orthodoxy.
I find this gem quite telling.
They've launched a civil war in the Atheist community, and they need to suffer the consequences.
This is so far off the mark it's laughable. You're just showing your ignorance of the past behavior of the Atheism+ crowd.
No I am actually showing that I don't care if they have their own little part of the internet to discuss their worldview. There are a myriad of websites I disagree with. I do not feel compelled to attack them for
wrong thinking. You OTOH are actually illustrating gross hypocrisy. Because when I point out that you come across as a bonehead for making a callout to someone not here @ I
2 over information that is incomplete that you did not bother checking for contextual accuracy you equate me to a witch hunter. Poor widdle scrappy, him is being persecuted.
In contrast you appointed yourself the arbiter what is of right and wrong atheist thinking so rather than let Atheism + have their own little corner of the internet to bounce their PC ideas back and forth you came here and started a thread to recruit others to help you attack the
wrongheaded atheists. It appears mighty hypocritical for you to use that Lazarus Long quotation as a sig when your mindset is too attack other atheists for not sharing your approved orthodoxy.