I think marx is here to troll. I could be wrong but I don't think so.
well, i wasn't planning to troll, but then again, it depends on how cool, or how much of a cunt the admin is to me. i'm holding out and respecting you for now odeon, but i see you've already started trying to manipulate the forum's opinion of me (pm @ u, btw) if you stop your shit now, i'll play nice, ok. 
Here is a question (and I want you to answer truthfully) why would we care if you played nice or not nice?
We don't know you or have an opinion about you either way. Regardless of what you do or do not do, this early on in the piece, it is not likely to matter. So how much of an imapct do you think you will (or even could) make here?
Ego to one side and answer realistically.
well, considering i have effectively become the alpha male of a site much rougher than this place, i think i could potentially have a very big impact. on another site, the admin there was an asshole to me, and i now have nine sockpuppets, all with totally unrecognisable personalities fucking with people's minds and manipulating the social order. although, as I said, i don't want to get into any of that here, and i'm sure odeon won't force me to. i just wanna chill and have fun.
but I agree with ya al, i may be coming on a little too strong for a noob. thx.
Coming on too strong? Nah. Coming on strong is interesting. Carrying on over fuck all with Odeon because you want a pissing competition with the admin to show your "dominance" is amusing. I don't think any of us give a fuck really. But we will smile and watch.
As to being an Alpha Male? Maybe you were on that site. Maybe it was all in your head. I dunno. I know it is not likely to mean shit here. Though it amuses to see you say it.
As to sockpuppet accounts and the like

I used to be a mod on a troll forum and I am not the only one on here with such a dubious claim to fame. If you are up for making an impression or becoming an Alpha Male, chances are we have seen better and some of us have done better.
You seem like you have a bit of fire in your belly and are arrogant and opinionated. These are all good things. I like new members.
I don't want you doing the same as so many, coming on here to tell us what was what and leaving butthurt and crying for a waaambulance.
Up to you though, there are benefits either way