Odeon Butthurt? Nah. You projecting or are you really trying to convince other that anything you say may have some credibility. Personally I think you like seeing your own words on the screen. I think you want to believe that at best you are an inciter, an agitator, or an alpha male

The truth is, you are a loser, an internerd who's only achievement to date is talking bullshit on internet forums. A small, old internet forum filled with reject Aspies and this is where you invest your efforts.
We have seen you before. Not you personally but your type. You are not a precious unique snowflake. You are one of an army of fallen members in here. Members who come in and talk shit and get an almost sexual thrill of the thought of stirring up a membership. They kid themselves that they are making an impression. The truth is that they aren't and whilst they believe they are playing members, the embers are entertaining themselves. We like a bit of flavour here and variety. But then you are not new and your drama not fresh and we move on to the next thing and you leave in tears.
You sometimes come back. When you do we remember but so long as you bring something new and fresh we will humour you for a bit.
We know you. You re not that special.