if you don't want to watch the whole thing that's understandable. You can get the jist of it in the first 15 minutes.
You want me to sit and watch a youtube video for 15 minutes? Jeebus. copy/paste a transcript and I'll get back to you.
It's not necessary to watch any of it, only if you want to see his explanations for his premise.
Do you think he's right that BPD and HPD are just (predominately female) manifestations of narcissism and the 3 disorders should be lumped together or is he wrong??
They ARE lumped together. "Cluster B."
I think NPD is a distinct disorder from HPD and BPD, but PDs in general often run together. One of the most common co-occurring diagnoses for a PD is another PD.
I don't often see HPD really being used or discussed as clinically useful or relevant in my line of work. BPD, NPD and ASPD, yes, and as distinct disorders, but I've heard the argument before that they're different manifestations of the same thing. DSM diagnoses are based on symptom presentation, not etiology, though, so it's kind of moot; the three presentations are different enough that you'd approach them differently, clinically.