
Author Topic: Enough with these ground rainbows! There's something in our oxygen supply!  (Read 483 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Enough with these ground rainbows! There's something in our oxygen supply!
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2013, 01:34:47 PM »
Indeed, and the anti self defense movement is working because everyone would rather someone else kick off the revolution. Myself included.
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Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Enough with these ground rainbows! There's something in our oxygen supply!
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2013, 01:51:43 PM »
Indeed, and the anti self defense movement is working because everyone would rather someone else kick off the revolution. Myself included.

But there is still a difference: Hardliner neo nazis are all about violence, they sing about it, openly discuss it, but they too are holding back, waiting for a more oportune moment. Even they are waiting.

The opposition - is both waiting and unwilling to defend themselves when shit hits the fan - that is what is so worrying, they are completely delusional.
I remember in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre, someone said in a debate show "The police should have sniped him" and the rest of the audience got very upset with him. I was shocked at their reaction.
They were telling him that such violent thoughts are immature, and just the kind of mindset Breivik harbors - worst of all, they said "sniping him would solve nothing"

If he kills 40 - we snipe him - that is a further 40 people saved. That solved nothing?
He kills 2, we snipe him, thats 78 people saved.

This "rampant" anti-violence is completely delusional and destructive to society. We must have the balls to deal some hurt when we are forced to :I
Look at what we're up against, not just ideological groups worshipping violence, but fuckin POLICE in riot gear

At some point someone needs the guts to take a few pot shots at these assoles, and raise the bar.

During the French riots some years ago, there were certain boroughs were shots were fired at police, and where police retreated and left those areas alone. These were likely just gang behaviour, but it should be an inspiration to people: Cops are just dudes in protective gear, and they can be scared shitless too.

Kirghiz riot police fleeing
"Lemme have that" "Dude, fuck off, get your own rifle!"

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Enough with these ground rainbows! There's something in our oxygen supply!
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2013, 02:04:31 PM »
More heartwarming pictures from the Kirghiz riot

"Look what I found!"