I find it fascinating that, on the surface of it, Rage seems to have more demands on his time than One L despite One L (iirc) having a family and going to law school.
Yup, that's it. Not ducking at all. Really, really busy. Only spent 90 minutes on here yesterday and couldn't draft a response in that amount of time 
Perhaps I just think quicker than he does.
You do think quicker than I do, but that does not make any of the points I've made less valid. It just means you're good as twisting things around with unrelated nonsense and sounding legit when you're just talking out of your ass. For example. You say you work fifty hours a week or something and spend fourty hours at school. Okay man. Do you have a tardis? Have you duplicated the time machine from the old HG Wells novel? There are only a hundred and sixty eight hours in a week. The bare minimum sleeping time to be moderately healthy and sane is fifty six hours a week. Other demands such as cooking meals, personal hygiene, maintaining your abode, a little time to relax your mind by watching a couple of shows or something, and countless other things. A RIDICULOUS amount.
You're lying. There is not enough time.
Indeed. I MUST be lying because I am doing something you could not yourself accomplish

I work from 8am - 4pm Mon - Fri. (40 hours)
I am at school from 5pm - 11pm Mon - Fri (30 hours)
I put in at least 8 hours at the library on both Saturday and Sunday (16 hours)
I sleep from 12am - 7am
49 hours a week, and I am doing just fine, but thanks for the worry. 7 hours a night is a luxury after raising 2 infants in the past 4 years. I am not sure where you get the idea that a human must have 8 hours of sleep a night to stay sane. In undergrad I worked the graveyard shift and survived 3 years at less than 5 hours a night.
The required work week for a newly hired attorney at a large firm is 100 hours a week. Law school is easy compared to that.