Author Topic: What about robot-dancing (or something) in the last defiant moments of life?  (Read 4094 times)

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Offline ZEGH8578

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Me and a friend discussed this, as we were talking about how to potentially survive a homicidal mass murderer gone spree killing.
We were trying to see what would cause which emotional reaction in the killer.
For example, during the Utøya massacre, two of the survivors had actually faced him, and confronted him - they had communicated, and survived through communication:
One young boy told him that he was too young to die, and sternly told him that he had killed enough. This caused the killer to stop, and move on. The next one had simply shouted "Listen to me!" for then to beg "Don't shoot me!". The vast majority of the victims had, unfortunately, just broken down, and were in shock, mostly screaming and crying, or whimpering pleas that didn't emotionally affect the killer.
Either way, we came to the idea that confusion could probably either save you - or kill you, but it would be like a gamble - in a situation where death was otherwise almost certain. For example, a robot dance!

The backside of spontaneously going into a robot dance, would be that if he decided to just shoot you right down anyway, this would be an extremely silly way to die. But then again, would it really be more proper screaming and begging?

Then I begun thinking of the continuing implications of robot dancing. Not only would it confuse the killer, but the fleeing people too. They would suddenly be convinced - even relieved - that "it is all just an elaborate joke", untill he gets blasted down. Any surviving witness would be truly confused by this, because it would have been so memorable.
If identified, the dancing victim would leave very confused parents, and loved-ones.
"Why didn't he flee!? Why stop and robot-dance!? He never even robot-danced before!!!"

On the tomb-stone
"For some reason, he robot-danced"



Offline Icequeen

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  • I peopled today.
If faced with a situation where I could not flee without knowing I'd most likely be shot or fight, my plan is to strip naked.

I figure it will either scare them stupid or at least my clothes won't get ruined when they gun me down.


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I wish I had that much weed

Offline odeon

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MY plan is to run.
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Offline Queen Victoria

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Having had shots pass by me 7 times in my life, I can only say that one should Keep Calm and Duck.
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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline RageBeoulve

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 09:56:32 AM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline ZEGH8578

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.

One dude actually tried this with Breivik. Only pity was that Breivik was highly trained at the time, and very strong. The guy trying to wrestle him was not. He was pushed down, and shot in the face.
It is - to me - one of the most disturbing deaths of Utøya - if one can be singled out - for that poor bastard to have his unique bravery rewarded only with death. Jeez...
And on top of that, nobody remembers him. It was only an anecdote :(

Offline RageBeoulve

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.

One dude actually tried this with Breivik. Only pity was that Breivik was highly trained at the time, and very strong. The guy trying to wrestle him was not. He was pushed down, and shot in the face.
It is - to me - one of the most disturbing deaths of Utøya - if one can be singled out - for that poor bastard to have his unique bravery rewarded only with death. Jeez...
And on top of that, nobody remembers him. It was only an anecdote :(

Again, man. HE went down fighting instead of being shot while cowering in fear. If I was going to die, i'd definetely pick that route.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline "couldbecousin"

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  • You're goddamn right.
Having had shots pass by me 7 times in my life, I can only say that one should Keep Calm and Duck.

  What kind of neighborhood do you live in?  :zombiefuck:
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Offline bodie

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I like the thought of robot dancing.... as good a way as any to die i spose.

An alternative would be to burst into song with "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands"

I used to think of things to do if i was followed out of a club or something.  (I don't anymore because i don't go :( )  but i thought about crossing over the street a few times, just to make sure you were being followed and then suddenly turning around and hugging them saying "OMG thank god it's had me worried for a minute, how is your mum?"   It would be a shock to him and and give you time to kick him in his balls and run.   Or maybe turning round and saying  "and here he is, our lucky winner for tonight ladies and gentlemen" whilst fiddling with your ear as if you are wearing an earpiece  and pointing upwards mouthing 'camera' at him.

Yeah the mind boggles but the reality is i would probably poop myself :dunno:
blah blah blah

Offline odeon

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.

You can't die with dignity, you know.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Pyraxis

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Sure you can. The meaning can have dignity even if the process is a mess.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline skyblue1

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I do favor giving life the finger, on my way out

Offline Peter

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.

Strip naked, get an erection and rub shit all over yourself for a psychological edge while wrestling.  Bum him for bonus points.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

Offline ZEGH8578

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Run in zig zags and keep jumping and rolling behind cover until you can get your hands on the gunman. Break his/her fingers after wrestling the gun away from them, get your hands around his/her neck and dig your thumbs into their throat till you feel a crunch. Take ammuntition out of the gun, insert the barrel into their dead asshole.

You may be killed attempting it, but at least you'll have gone down fighting. This is a good death. There is no shame in this.

Strip naked, get an erection and rub shit all over yourself for a psychological edge while wrestling.  Bum him for bonus points.

Someone tried to throw rocks at him. Now I'm thinking, they should have thrown poop at him. At least it would give everyone else ample oportunity to flee, while he focuses all his efforts on you :D