Nitpickery, but 22 suicides a day makes 8 000, out of an estimated 35 000 suicides a year in America.
I'm not gonna say for sure 1/4 of all suicides are not by a veteran, and I'm sure veterans have a shitty life over there cus they get neglected etc
but "estimates" should always be taken with a grain of salt.
I remember my aunt in Spain, an animal lover, read an article claiming that 300 000 dogs were abandoned _each day_ in Spain. Obviously, this was some "estimate" done for shock factor, and I tried breaking it to her "Look, thats a 110 million dogs a year, abandoned." and she's all "I KNOW RIGHT!" and I try again "Even if a staggering half of the dogs are abandoned, which is unlikely, this means Spain has 200 million dogs. Four more dogs per person - not to mention the yearly addition of 110 million dogs accumulating each year. That is one billion dogs in 10 years."
When I spelled it out for her: The estimate is exaggerated she was angry with me for the rest of that day.