
Had the letter, 2 weeks ago - the one that said it's fancy dress tomorrow at urchin's nursery! Didn't see that bit. My
bad for not reading it properly...smacked own head several times already.
Thankfully his key worker asked me this morning if i had sorted out his costume yet! Oh and the 'theme' of this event
- Prince's and Princesses -
So i was fone-frantic earlier ringing round trying to get a Prince's costume in his size! Due to the 'Royal Wedding' can't
get hold of one, not even a crown.
Not to be beaten, got some material and am nearly finished the outfit and it just leaves me a crown to make! Sounds easy?
Fucking sewing machine just broke, i have got PVA glue all over my ironing board, and also managed to sew a bit of it
to my fucking skirt. AAAAAgggggghhhhh
Fucked up day today. I am crap at sewing