Author Topic: What have you done today?  (Read 180024 times)

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9330 on: October 23, 2010, 12:16:04 PM »
*went grocery shopping
*read another chapter with monkeyboy (he's into The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis right now)
*hung out with monkeygirl before she went to her cousin's for the day
*read half of my Oprah magazine
*did another chapter in my psych course
*made chicken, pasta and naan for lunch
*cleaned the kitchen
*had a meeting about lawyer stuff
*talked to my Mum for awhile on the phone
*now taking it easy for the rest of the day. Doctor's orders

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9331 on: October 23, 2010, 12:28:36 PM »
Shopping and catching up on my sleep. :2thumbsup:

Not at the same time I hope.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9332 on: October 23, 2010, 12:29:32 PM »
*went grocery shopping
*read another chapter with monkeyboy (he's into The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis right now)
*hung out with monkeygirl before she went to her cousin's for the day
*read half of my Oprah magazine
*did another chapter in my psych course
*made chicken, pasta and naan for lunch
*cleaned the kitchen
*had a meeting about lawyer stuff
*talked to my Mum for awhile on the phone
*now taking it easy for the rest of the day. Doctor's orders

Wonder Woman is in the house and shopping, and.....
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.



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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9333 on: October 23, 2010, 12:37:09 PM »
*went grocery shopping
*read another chapter with monkeyboy (he's into The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis right now)
*hung out with monkeygirl before she went to her cousin's for the day
*read half of my Oprah magazine
*did another chapter in my psych course
*made chicken, pasta and naan for lunch
*cleaned the kitchen
*had a meeting about lawyer stuff
*talked to my Mum for awhile on the phone
*now taking it easy for the rest of the day. Doctor's orders

Wonder Woman is in the house and shopping, and.....

I can't help it. I like the costume.

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9334 on: October 23, 2010, 12:42:54 PM »
Took the Princess Royal to a softball tournament held by her old school.  She got to see some friends.  The weather was nice and we had a pleasan time.  I'll take to see a movie with a friend and pick them up afterwards and then probably McDonalds later on.  I'll have some me time at Starbucks while they're at the movie.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Trigger 11

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9335 on: October 23, 2010, 01:41:55 PM »
Took the kids to the Fall Festival on less than 90 minutes of sleep and am payng the price now!
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9336 on: October 23, 2010, 02:01:21 PM »
Most challenging of today was braiding the hair of my youngest tiny French or Dutch braids, getting her ready for a competition.
Really early in the morning, when my fingers were barely awake.

For the rest, it was mostly like most Saturdays.
Ex coming over to see the kids.
Work, groceries, chatting, making and having dinner, Saturday movie evening for the girls. Things like that.

Oh, I did make a complaint about a colleague today. (Yup, the same one I had a problem with last Wednesday) I had let him get away with things for too long. Knowing he will not change no matter how much he will be criticised. (Yes, my village colleague and me have tried many times)  But, he went too far today. Not good for me, and worse for the company and the clients.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9337 on: October 23, 2010, 02:10:59 PM »
Made a mess of someones house with a power drill and got paid to do it :2thumbsup:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9338 on: October 23, 2010, 02:13:34 PM »
had a chest xray
met with the specialist
got to see my sinus and chest xray results (that was cool. I wanted a copy so I could bring it home and show monkeyboy :laugh: )
Made lunch
talked to my parents on the phone
now off to nap
What is going on in your chest CG? I have asthma and have gotten bronchitis, both of which suck.

I had a bad case of bacterial pneumonia that landed me in the hospital for 8 nights. I just got out a week ago. I've got asthma (which I've always said was a mild case) but now that I'm under the care of a Respirologist, I found out my asthma was severe. I thought the way I breathe and the amount that I breathe was normal. Apparently not. :laugh: He said I've got 2 more months of recovery. Seeing a specialist has made a huge difference though. He knows way more about what combos of inhalers and such will work the best. I'm so glad I ended up on his roster at the hospital. He's awesome.

Did they give you the copies of the X-rays?

No.  >:( Apparently it's all online. I asked him if he could email it to me but he said no. Never know unless you ask :laugh:

Sometimes, they will give you a CD with your images on it.  I got one after both of my MRIs.

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9339 on: October 23, 2010, 02:15:42 PM »
Do NHS brain scans give you copies?

I have one in november. I hope they do. Maybe if I take my camera they will let me take a photo of it if they show me it


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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9340 on: October 23, 2010, 03:14:20 PM »
When I saw the one of my skull, all I could think of was "now I know what I'll look like when I'm dead and have no skin." Morbid, yet entertaining. :laugh:

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9341 on: October 25, 2010, 04:10:51 PM »
Saw a neurologist about my sleep issues.  I'm going back to the hospital at some point in the next few months for an EEG.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9342 on: October 25, 2010, 04:25:51 PM »
Got my oil changed, errands, picked up materials for work tomorrow and sorted stuff in the basement
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw


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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9343 on: October 25, 2010, 06:18:01 PM »
Voted in the municipal election.  8)

Offline Trigger 11

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Re: What have you done today?
« Reply #9344 on: October 25, 2010, 06:57:09 PM »
Went to work after a long morning battling back stiffness and a dizzy spell.
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems