had a chest xray
met with the specialist
got to see my sinus and chest xray results (that was cool. I wanted a copy so I could bring it home and show monkeyboy
Made lunch
talked to my parents on the phone
now off to nap
What is going on in your chest CG? I have asthma and have gotten bronchitis, both of which suck.
I had a bad case of bacterial pneumonia that landed me in the hospital for 8 nights. I just got out a week ago. I've got asthma (which I've always said was a mild case) but now that I'm under the care of a Respirologist, I found out my asthma was severe. I thought the way I breathe and the amount that I breathe was normal. Apparently not.

He said I've got 2 more months of recovery. Seeing a specialist has made a huge difference though. He knows way more about what combos of inhalers and such will work the best. I'm so glad I ended up on his roster at the hospital. He's awesome.
Did they give you the copies of the X-rays?

Apparently it's all online. I asked him if he could email it to me but he said no. Never know unless you ask