Collected millipedes.
Most intriguing! What do you do with them? 
They are a delicacy in Scotland and are deep fried 
ooh, lots and lots of tiny drumsticks.
I thought I might try making a business out of breeding and selling invertebrates as pets. I'm going to raise various species of triops as well as other freshwater branchiopods like fairy shrimp, clam shrimp and daphnia, I've got a breeding colony of wild-type Neocaridina heteropoda (a freshwater dwarf shrimp), and I thought that woodlice and millipedes would make good pets too. Both of them breed prolifically, are are very undemanding pets and can be safely kept together in colonies, and I find them interesting and quite attractive.
The woodlice and millipedes tend to hide a lot, so I've been looking at ways to construct habitats for them that would make them easier to observe. I have an idea for constructing an ant-farm-type habitat out of sheets of clear acrylic that slot into a wooden frame, but with more space between the panes than in a typical ant farm to give larger invertebrates space to move around. I don't have a router for cutting the slots that I'll need, and I've been looking at various models this morning and wondering what I should buy.