Back on June 17th I went to DMV for a vision exam to renew my drivers license. I took half the day off work then as well but I did not get out of the refinery in time because of an evacuation due to an incident at the Coker after getting off work an hour later than planned and slightly distracted and jangled

I went to the DMV office to renew my drivers license but neglected to swap my eyeglasses for my contacts for better vision and bombed the eye exam due to my right eye being fucked up. I was given a temporary extension on my dl until August 15th and directed to have an eye Dr fill out a form regarding my vision.
So today I saw my eye Dr with my contacts on and she signed off on the form which I then took back to DMV and did my vision test and passed easily with the right eyewear on.

Being a dumbfuck isn't always easy but I am willing to give it a go every once in a while. Without a dl I would not be able to keep my job but, as it turned out, the only difference now is that my dl will have a Corrective Lenses required stipulation on it.
Oddly enough with contacts my shitty right eye is stronger than the left at 20/25.