I don't eat seedless watermelons anymore. Fucking capitalist swizzledicks have fucked up watermelons and tomatoes by growing them to sell even though they destroy the taste.
"When God looked upon created things and saw that they were good, it meant that they were good in themselves and as they stood; but by the modern mercantile idea, God would have only looked at them and seen that they were the Goods. ..... In other words, these people are incapable of imagining any good except that which comes from bartering something for something else." GK Chesterton from Reflections on a Rotten Apple.
http://chesterton.org/gkc/Distributist/rottenapple.html"A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing" Oscar Wilde.
Shit heads who desire to fuck up the inherent goodness of watermelons and tomatoes are type of motherfuckers who would repaint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling with a fucking roller!