Spent half the day adjusting my daughter's brand new bicycle. I taught her a bit about how to tell which tool to use for which job and how to adjust her seat, her brakes, her handle bars, etc.
... but mostly, I was simply attending to my (very needy) daughter. She had a hundred things for her daddy to do for her, today on his day off from work. I tried to teach her how to do every thing she needed me to do.
(I do not know how else to help her, except to get her involved in TeH JoB of taking care of herself. At nine, she is old enough!)
I was unnecessarily babied and overprotected far past the age of nine, and it did me no favors.
I am sorry rof you.
I see my main job as a parent as that fo a teacher, first!!
I think you are right. My mother meant well, but I grew up to be a rather helpless adult who didn't understand how to take a city bus or write a check. 
Ah well, I eventually "caught up," so no lasting harm done!
Maybe some lasting good can come of this, since you will not make the same mistake, right!?!
(I consider not teaching kids shit when they are already dying to learn shit is criminal and always a mistake. Maybe YOU and your generation is the "Reset" generation and all your future progeny will benefit from the mistakes of your ancestors, due to your efforts)