Nothing much. It's nearly 11am and I've only helped monkeyboy pick out his clothes, kissed the kids goodbye (ex is taking them to Niagara Falls with his mother in tow) and I've been busy writing and enjoying the quiet. Haven't even showered or gotten dressed yet.
At least it's good that he is bringing their grandmother along to help and they'll get to see Niagara Falls.
Yes. She's a good buffer between him and monkeyboy. He said that due to monkeyboys autism, it makes him too unpredictable and he should always have 2 adults present at all times if monkeygirl is around so she's protected. Protected from what? Playing store together? Playing animal crossing on the Wii?

But the good thing is that if the ex is more comfortable he's easier to be around and I feel more comfortable if she's there when he has the kids because he doesn't pull the stunts that he does here. So really, it's a very good thing.
I went to my Great-Aunt's 90th birthday today and had a great time.