Woke up alert and refreshed, for a change.
I am one of those people who leaps out of bed on a daily basis and lands eight or more feet away from the pillow that had just comforted me, with a "kill" set in my demeanor. It takes me a moment to find reality, most of the time. Usually, it is my bladder that calls me to reason. I become human again, after a bit.
This (the instant kill instinct) is one of the things that makes me sometimes think that I am more cat than dog.
I have known clumsy cats, but I am more clumsy than the most drunken of cats, on occasion. I think, after all is added up, I am still a dog, even though my waking spazz is more like a cat than a dog.
My wife has learned to stay away from me, if she HAS to awaken me for some reason, because that part is not pretty. It is worse if I am awakened from without.
For me, calming down is the first order to seek, once I find what I am.
Sleep ended is fucking torture! I honestly think that i will be fine with being dead, because I won't have to awaken anymore.