"rationalised" and re-arranged my workroom, which meant i got rid of six dustbin liners' worth of fabric and yarn and other shite!
luckily, i had the leningrad cowboys to keep me bopping throughout, which made it a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 
Heh, my wife needs to do that here... again!
(so much shit everywhere, fabric literally coming out of our arses here)
and you haven't?

i've done more or less fuck all today, due to a pooter which decided to be ill, and the only way to make it better was to sit and wait for it to run a program which took forever, and didn't work for the first FIVE goes. and then my nice neighbour wanted a letter typed, and it took over an hour, by which time, i had to plan my seminar for tomorrow, needed to eat and have a sleep. so, i still have 14 bags of stuff i don't want cluttering up my house and getting in the way, still have to go out and get petrol and various other stuff, wash my hair and stop panicking.
i fucking hate days like this.