considering today is only 04.30 (if that makes sense), so far, i have:
1) had an abortive attempt at sleep, and managed two hours, due to the fact that i...
2) ...scratched most of my epidermis off (feels like);
3) got up, had cig and drink, coughed a lot (yes, yes, i know);
4) slapped gloop all over myself, and took an antihistamine, in the hopes the itching would stop;
5) got back into bed, then suddenly thought of something which wasn't where it should be (see below);
6) searched the fucking house looking for it (obsessive? me?);
7) gave up on the idea of getting back to sleep;
8 ) made another drink (chai) and got on here;
9) coughed a lot more.

well, how fun-packed can a day be?
so, the thing i couldn't find is the bullet bit of my rock chick (vibrator-y thing - i blame PMS Elle for reminding me about sex toys), and it should've been in one of three places: by my bed, in the drawer, or in the bathroom (where i clean it - TMI, possibly, but i've had no sleep, so tough

). is it in any of those places? is it fuck. nor is it in the kitchen dresser, the washing machine (you don't want to know what's in my head, sometimes), down the back of the sofa cushions (ditto), etc., etc.
the only thing i can think of is that my nice neighbour let himself in to get his stuff out of the loft yesterday, while i was out, and has either taken it for a laugh (unlikely), or trodden on it, broke it, and is now fretting like fuck because he can't think of a non-embarrassing way to let me know! or, and far more boring, he thought it was a lighter (it's purple, and looks like a small clipper-type lighter) and has pocketed it, and that one cheers me immensely, cos i'd love to be there when he tries to light his cigar with it.

i suppose the vibrations
could cause enough friction, eventually...
the most annoying thing is that i have to wait at least 2 hours before he's likely to be up, so i can't ring him. /stims madly.
so, that's me so far today. i'll keep you posted re: developments, shall i?