I got to drive a BIG truck!
I had called to talk to my supervisor, who was working the night shift last night (few people know that a BB store runs constantly) to try and claim some of the hours left over from a guy calling in sick this week (No one seems to know what's wrong with him. He has called off work quite a bit lately and my uneducated diagnosis of his condition is Alcoholic Liver Disease, just from looking at the poor bastard.), and a funny thing had happened.
One of the truck drivers had slipped and fallen, busting his head and tearing about a fourth of his scalp off. He left for the emergency room and his truck was still at the dock. None of the other truck drivers would touch it, preferring to wait the whole episode out, since they are Union and get paid for waiting for a dock slot.
With three trucks waiting to unload in the back lot (where the bull was almost killed), the night crew was getting anxious. None of the regular guys who work the shift even knew how to start the damn thing.
I told him I can drive a truck! "Do you have the key set?" I showed up around two AM, got the whole story, played grab-ass a bit then got the truck out of the way. Basically, I got paid for an hour to drive a truck two hundred feet.

</fucking SCAB!>