Maybe you like regularity?
That explains the breakups but not why I get into the relationships in the first place.
Why do girls keep track of stuff like this? 
It was at 3:55 p.m., I think- One year, two days, four hours, and nine minutes ago, if my math is right. Someone nearby was playing late 90's pop breakup songs the entire time- the one I remember specifically was "I want it that way" by the backstreet boys.
I can remember it because it was the last day in July; the time I remember because train schedules were involved. The song I remember because it was
So that they can make men feel guilty for forgetting such trivia?
Pete, I cannot be held responsible for the following catty comment, you made it waaaay too easy:
Yeah, maybe I should yell at him for forgetting- no flowers or card this year.