spent some time watching the THREE (count 'em!) fox cubs in my garden this morning (it's 05.56 now)! i'm so excited about this fox thing.
edit: and now, here comes big daddy (or mummy) fox, in hot pursuit of a foxling! i wish i had a camera...
2: mummy vixen (i'm assuming this, now, as i don't think foxes go in for the male parenting thing) plus three foxlings actually gambolling around the garden, eating something off the lawn - if it's slugs, i may explode with delight!
now Mummy V has scrambled up and over the fence to next door's garden, and the little ones are scrabbling round by the fence - there must be a hole, cos they've appeared in the other garden now.
sorry - i suspect no-one else here is as rivetted by this as me.
real time fox-watching, though!