finished a knitting project; did some language study; mowed the lawn (jesus, i didn't need a lawnmower, i needed agent orange - still not finished! ); did some weeding; sorted out my compost (i made gorgeous compost this year); organised my greenhouse; repotted and pruned some stuff; general other garden business; had (a late) lunch and then toasted myself for a couple of hours, reading and frogging a black crochet cotton jacket (lovely, but i never wear it, and i need the yarn).
bliss! i love spending all day outside.
I hear that! Even with Black Fly season starting, I'd rather be outside in the sun, than doing anything else.
not necessarily in the sun, for me: i love being outside full stop. i really miss living on the land, in a bender.
Yeah, if I wasn't so enamored of certain things, nightly showers, poking into the fridge for snacks, etc that would suit me well. A decent sized solar panel for computer, radio and music players. I am definitely an earth sign!
showers and snacks, no problem. never had the solar panel thing, but then it was lo-tech living. there were loads of musicians on site, though, so never had a problem with finding music, which i loved especially, cos we made it ourselves.
i'm definitely an earth sign, too, which is why i love living on it, i suppose.