went to the dumb assed hiphop show to promote for our mo'wax party on monday. luckily a high school buddy of mine was there flaunting his bomb assed bass.
its so good to see good music isnt dead here. stood in front of the bassbins till my ears hurt. 
What was he using?
Have you seen the Tom Danley creations? I can personally recommend his "Tower Of Power!"
I don't know him, but he posts on several boards where I visit. He's a smart guy and he's not giving up any info on his T-o-P.
I know what he has, though. It is a modern update of the old Imperial subwoofer, based on a resonating column of air with the driver inside the column, instead of exposed to the outside air. It kisks ass!
(NOT based on the Imperial design with front-loaded driver and horn-loaded backwave)
it was some typical horn loaded stuffs. nothing special, but it was a small enough room that they didnt have to push it too hard and it sounded pretty decent. the tops were that new qsc actives, i was actually impressed with the way they sounded.
ive heard lots of good things about the danley towers, all the good techs i know babble about them. id love to hear it. im a big fan of the bagend designs with modified urei or tannoy dual concentric tops for small systems. arcs and sb218s for medium size. ive had the pleasure of working with kudo a couple of times lately, l-acoustics has reinvented the wheel yet again. totally awesome. ive been tempted to invest in a madras system but idont know if i want to own stuff. i have acess to all the l-acoustic line at great prices so its hard to justify the investment.
Some of the Bagend stuff is good, but not really what I would think of for pro duty cycles. They are mostly for the HT crowd from what I have seen. Don't get me wrong they are good for the design type. If they have a pro line, I haven't seen it.
Anything Tannoy can sound really good, too. I really like the Dual-Concentrics when used in a linear array ... hard to beat in that kind of set-up. Takes some bucks, though.
*I take it back after that link you showed me. 4 - 21 inch drivers. COOL!