I slept til 11am, which is early for me lately... I then had breakfast; nutrigrain. Then did some chores. After that l went on my computer surfed a bit, played some Sins of Solar Empire ("a boring game" - renaeden). I then rode my bike to te Post Office, to post my sister's birthday present. On te way back I pondered stopping at Subway to grab a late lunch, but in the interest of lethargy I decided against it. However some hours later I was hungry, and being too lazy cook something, I got on my bike again and went to Subway and bought myself a Turkey & Chken Teriyaki sub with Old English Cheese between the meat, then toasted. With lettuce, tomato, onion and olives, and Sweet Onion Sauce dressing. Yum.
Then me and renaeden watched some DS9 and went to bed, where I am right now typing this message on my Nintendo DS Browser.