Dunc just got diagnosed with diabetes when he went to see about his sore foot.
My aunt is diabetic and so was my mom and my grandfather. I'm really sorry, but it's good they found out early. A lot of times diabetes goes undetected until it causes serious problems. Kepping your blood glucose under very good control avoids a lot of the problems like neuropathy or retinopathy. What sort of medicine will they try first to supplement your diet and exercise program, Dunc? Glucophage?
*pauses to look up Glucophage on wikipedia
yeah, I've been taking metformin since Friday, its the same drug. hope it stops churning my guts soon, the gastric side effects are only supposed to last a few days. I'm still a bit pissed off about it but I can't expect to have carried 70 pounds over my regular body weight for the past couple of years without there being some repercussions. *shrug* my dad has type 2 diabetes as well and so did his dad, so it isn't really out of the blue, just ten or fifteen years earlier than I expected to get it. I'm going to miss my biscuits, and chocolate.
How are you, Callaway? its good to see you back.
I'm OK and thanks, Dunc.
You are already taking the Glucophage with food, aren't you?
My grandfather took insulin injections every day, but he was able to completely stop taking them when he lost some weight and he controlled his diabetes just with his diet. My mother and aunt had to take insulin the whole time, and my mother took Glucophage, as well, though. My aunt has an insulin pump now to try to keep her blood glucose under better control, since she was a brittle diabetic.