Well, here's what I did
yesterday: Got the second shot for the series of three that is now available. The fourth shot is scheduled for March.
I passed out after a shot once even though I felt fine at first (I hit the floor in the waiting room), so I lie down for several mitnues after any shots I get, even if I feel OK.
So yesterday I laid down and hoped that I wasn't going to pass out again (didn't even come close- yay!), and thought of how I had been in the same room the last three doctor's visits, and how much the first of the three, in particular, had sucked.
There's a poster of this sickly cute golden retriever puppy above the exam table, and it's been there each time.
I never thought I would have such a deep and abiding hate of a cute little puppy, but I really fucking DESPISE that stupid fucking dog.