I agree, but, I'm deferring to Mr. Bouchards judgement, however I have suggested that this info be passed on to the group "pervertedjustice" which works with MSNBC on the show, "To catch a predator". I'll assume that anybody in the US has heard about this program. But, to anybody else, it is a show that uses actor's pretending to be underage or young teens, who go into chat rooms, find predators and then lure the predators into coming to a house where the predator thinks they are going to have sex with a young teen boy or girl. Instead they find a camera crew and and a newsman who interviews them on camera as to why they show up at this house. The show is in it's 7th or 8th edition, some predators being caught twice. When they leave they are immediately arrested by police, so their faces, names and everything else are caught on tape and made public. It's sickening, but fascinating and darkly humorous. especially when the perverts try to convince the news crew that they were not there to have sex with a minor. But, are confronted with the chat logs and everything else.