Made peace with a dog I meet when I do my rounds. He was OK with me, till I got my uniform. His behaviour became much more aggressive since then. Today his owner was outside, and the dog was as sweet as can be. He said that at the former place they lived, the dog only had reacted on a man from a ditch maintenance company, and at the postmen. He knew the man from the ditch maintenance company had threatened the dog with a rake or something like that. Guess one of the postmen has done something threatening too.
Wonder how the dog will react the next time I see him. Think he'll be OK, certainly after I will have said his name. He's an older dog, guess his sight is not what it used to be. So, I may still be just the uniform when he sees me first. But after that, smell and voice will help him I guess. No snapping jaws in front of my face any more I think.