Went to the school event. In good ol' Serissa fashion, I didn't talk to anyone under thirty, but did take the opportunity to catch up on a tiny bit of gossip about my thesis mentor getting canned (after I broke the ice by bitching about Sodhexo's chokehold on the food at our campus events). Further, I perked right the fuck up when internships on campus in my field of interest were mentioned, and I thought to myself, "I know it's a couple years in the future, but I'd like to start kissing ass on that one ASAP." Lo and behold, I may have discovered a way to start doing this NOW. And a way to kill time if when I don't get the assistanceship I'm hoping to don't expect to get. OK, fine, so I left too early to take home anything left over from the Sodhexo feast as I'd been planning to do, but the evening was quite far from a tiotal loss.